Real Food Bryn

Epipen-Wielding Real Food Eating

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Where have I been—Vacation Edition!

It has been a few crazy weeks (including some super lazy time that did not lend itself to computering). I am definitely behind on writing What I Ate Wednesday posts and on posting recipes, but I’m back :)! I used Memorial Day weekend as one of those really rare “do nothing” weekends. My girlfriend visits her family once or twice a year, and when she goes out of town, I turn into a total hermit. Over Memorial Day weekend I read an entire book from the Game of Thrones series…which is about 1000 pages! I literally read for 16 hours one day. It was the most amazing thing ever. I’ve made it to the 5th book in the series, and I’m not really sure what I will do with myself once I finish…maybe clean my apartment? (hahaha)

After a relaxing Memorial Day, I had three crazy days of work and then my real vacation, which also involved a lot of sitting and reading….this is probably why my girlfriend and I get along so well. We took a little road trip to Atlanta, so today’s post is a little photo collection of our trip 🙂

Before we even hit Georgia, the cast iron factory outlet was our first stop. You can buyed “damaged” (read: barely scratched) products for a discount, so we added a dutch oven and a new 12-inch skillet to our cast iron collection.

Cast iron factory outlet??? Heck yeah!

Cast iron factory outlet??? Heck yeah!

Our main reason for going to Atlanta was for the Fall Out Boy concert, and we even got an autograph after.

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squee! Pete Wentz!

I was also really excited about visiting the aquarium. I think I could sit and stare at fish all day. One of my favorite animals to see were these asian otters. They are like tiny cat versions of regular otters!

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These jellyfish were also pretty cool. They phosphoresce the color of the light that is shining.

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And, what is a vacation without food? Well, I would usually say that not eating out on vacation is pretty typical for us. However, Atlanta has Ted’s Montana Grill. This restaurant is brilliant with handling food allergies, and any restaurant that serves bison steak is on my list of places to eat. I actually ate the same thing all three times we went there (wedge salad, bison steak, asparagus, and baked potato), but it was so delicious and the wait staff even made sure to only offer desserts that we could both eat.

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holy crazy yum, batman!

I ended my vacation week by making another short drive to see my niece’s dance recital. She was super adorable, but this pic is the one that really sums up her personality.

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And now, back to work! Having an entire week off was definitely necessary for a little battery recharge. I hope everyone is having a good start to summer. Any fun vacation plans out there?

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WIAW – May 22 and some Weekend Highlights

I spent all day Monday driving across the ever-interesting state of Illinois and missed getting in a “Weekend Highlights” post, but because I am also a bad food photographer, I only have one photo for my WIAW…so yay for combined posts!

We had a long weekend of fun and driving, which meant some comfy I-swear-I’m-really-an-adult clothes.

photo 1 (2)

And, here is my sad attempt at taking a picture from the…..FALL OUT BOY CONCERT!!!

photo 2 (2)

For my one food photo, I managed to grab a picture of lunch which was ground bison with veggies (asparagus, butternut squash, onions, and brussels sprouts).

photo 3 (2)

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Weekend Highlights: Fizzy Water, Travel Potatoes, and Vine Obsessions

Another weekend that flew by!  In the whirlwind, I managed to grab some photos and videos!

Fizzy Water: I am totally obsessed with fizzy water right now. I think it is partly because of allergy season (or at least I can pretend that it is…)

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Travel Potatoes: We had a mini road trip this weekend, which in food allergy land still means packing a ton of food. One of our favorite things for car trips are cold potatoes that we steamed and salted before leaving.

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Vine Obsessions: I recently discovered the joys of being an iPhone owner, and I am now obsessed with the app Vine. It let’s you shoot and share 6-second videos–like Twitter for YouTube. I can’t get it to embed, so check the link for my fun video.



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Weekend Highlights: Sleep, Sleep, and Brunch in Bed

This was the longest and shortest weekend. It was all work and please-don’t-let-me-get-sick prevention sleep. As a result, I don’t have too many photos to share. The weather was pretty blah, but it is supposed to be 80 degrees and sunny tomorrow 😀

Here’s a pic of brunch in bed: fried plantains, smoked salmon, and olives.



And here’s a cat desperately trying to make a cave.

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Weekend Highlights: Rotisserie Chicken and a NEW IPAD!

I’m running a little behind getting my “Weekend Highlights” post up, but it is because I spent my time being a good girlfriend and helping to grade some tests (yay organic chemistry!)

I also normally have 3 highlights for my weekend, but this time, one of my highlights is so big, I think I can get away with just 2. The first one is this amazing dinner that my girlfriend put together from a Costco rotisserie chicken.


And the second highlight…I GOT A NEW IPAD! And I am ridiculously excited about it. I got my first ipad as a graduation present when I finished my PhD, and it was not terribly old, but Apple is no longer supporting software updates for it so my apps were crashing constantly 😦 However, my new one is awesome! I got a keyboard! It’s so shiny and pretty! 🙂


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Weekend Highlights: Soccer, Rubber Bracelets, and Books!

I had a great time this weekend. On Friday night I drove up to my parents house so that I could go to my nephews first soccer game on Saturday morning.



Here’s a really tiny picture of him playing goalie. It was one of those fun kids soccer games where everyone gets to play a different position in each quarter and there was at least one person yelling, “NO! Go the OTHER WAY!”

My sister had a fun present for me in the form of this super cute allergy bracelet.



The third highlight was books, which I don’t have a picture of. I got my nephew the first Harry Potter book, and I got a copy of Practical Paleo for my mom. Since I don’t have a picture of the books, you should instead enjoy this picture of a baby pig on a leash.


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Weekend Highlights: Flip flops! Iced latte! And Internet publishing


It looks we are finally into spring 🙂 I am not looking forward to my eventual battle with pollen, but right now, it is beautiful, sunny, and I have my windows open!

Breaking out my flip flops was a major highlight this weekend. They were a little dusty but I didn’t mind.

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I was also able to enjoy my first iced coconut milk latte outside in the sun and without a coat (in my super cute insulated klean kanteen)

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The third highlight this weekend was getting an article published. I recently signed up for an account at and submitted my first article. You can check it out here Garlic: Health Friend or Foe? 🙂

And now, I am off to play with my food processor and get ready to make some bun-less guacamole bacon burgers with some amazing grass-fed ground beef from US Wellness Meats.

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Weekend Highlights: Lots o’ Guac, PEEPS, and beginning spring cleaning

It was a pretty typical weekend for us, but with things skewed due to all of the stores being closed on Sunday for Easter. We didn’t do anything celebratory, but the weather was nice, so here are the highlights:

I LOVE the guacamole from Whole Foods. It costs probably too much money, but it is delicious and we always finish the entire container.

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Oh, god, peeps…why are you so tasty? You’re so deliciously attractive (and gluten-free!!!), but all you do is punch me in the pancreas. Here’s a nice pic of the ingredient list. Horrid, but tasty.

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Finally, I don’t have a picture for this, but the weather on Sunday was absolutely beautiful AND there were not enough airborne allergens to kill me. The windows were open, and I was able to get a lot of cleaning done that hasn’t been touched in months 🙂