Real Food Bryn

Epipen-Wielding Real Food Eating

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WIAW- Vegas edition!

Greetings from Vegas!

I have been living the hotel life for the last few days while on a work trip. It’s been a lot of fun, but it definitely required a lot of planning to make sure I would have food for the week. I may write a separate post about the planning and what I did for the whole week. For now, I want to share what I had today. The event provides food for part of the week, and they have been amazing with allergies.

Breakfast: I brought my own nectarine and avocado, which I added to the bacon and fruit salad provided (both of which were labelled as safe for me).


Lunch: barbecue chicken and salad. I got to be the first person to eat off the buffet to make sure nothing was cross contaminated.


Dinner: I have been eating in my room every night, and enjoying relaxing in front of the television. Today I had a can of tuna, tomatoes, and avocado with rice chips.


Between meals I snacked on some pumpkin seeds, and, of course, coffee 😊


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WIAW – May 8

Wednesday breakfast this week: beef liver pate (OMG YUM), plantain crackers, shredded brussels sprouts with coconut oil with salt and pepper, and a little kombucha.

photo 1

Lunch: I barely remembered to get a picture. I had a salad with tons of veggies and chicken.

photo 3

Snacks: Two cuties and a banana.

photo 2

Dinner: Sauerkraut with caramelized onions, chicken sausages, broccoli, and mustard.

photo 4


Supplements today: magnesium, zinc, chromium, taurine, b-100 complex.

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Weekend Highlights: Rotisserie Chicken and a NEW IPAD!

I’m running a little behind getting my “Weekend Highlights” post up, but it is because I spent my time being a good girlfriend and helping to grade some tests (yay organic chemistry!)

I also normally have 3 highlights for my weekend, but this time, one of my highlights is so big, I think I can get away with just 2. The first one is this amazing dinner that my girlfriend put together from a Costco rotisserie chicken.


And the second highlight…I GOT A NEW IPAD! And I am ridiculously excited about it. I got my first ipad as a graduation present when I finished my PhD, and it was not terribly old, but Apple is no longer supporting software updates for it so my apps were crashing constantly 😦 However, my new one is awesome! I got a keyboard! It’s so shiny and pretty! 🙂


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WIAW – March 13

Today’s eats:

For breakfast I had some potatoes that we baked last night topped with a sample of crockpot chili, chicken, and a little bacon. Instead of coffee, I took a B-vitamin supplement.

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I forgot to take a picture of my lunch! I had a big bowl of crockpot chili over some potatoes.

I had horrible sugar issues this afternoon. For a snack I ended up with orange juice and a Kind bar.


Dinner was portabello mushroom fajitas in lettuce and somewhere between 1 and 47 plantain crackers…

2013-03-13 20.16.15

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Weekend Highlights – Muse!, Rice!, and Opinionated Orange Juice

This weekend started out great with the Muse concert! It was an amazing concert. I ended up having to take a benadryl half-way through the show, thanks to the jerks who decided to smoke pot inside the venue.

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Rice! My grain-day treat this weekend was this fabulous rice, chicken, and tomato dish made by my girlfriend. Yum 🙂

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Opinionated Orange Juice. I bought the delicious combo pictured below while at the store on Saturday, and as soon as I grabbed it, I was offered the opportunity to take a survey and get a $10 gift card. So…I decided to give it a try. The lady conducting the survey was very nice, but I couldn’t provide her with any nice words about the product she was getting opinions on: low calorie orange juice. I made it very clear that I thought the product was disgusting and that I would never consider buying it. Sorry not sorry…ew sucralose.

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This stuff is delicious. It is not sucralose swill.


WIAW – February 27

Breakfast: bone broth, sauerkraut, chicken, and orange juice. I have recently become OBSESSED with orange juice. I can’t stop drinking it.

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Lunch: sweet potatoes, broccoli, onions, chicken, mushrooms, carrots, and avocado

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Dinner (and the cat who wanted to steal it): salmon, broccolini, and steamed potatoes

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Today I snacked on more cuties(!), a banana, and the most amazing plantain chips in the entire world (from this recipe at

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WIAW – February 20

I completed all of my #sleetpocalypse shopping today. Now, I just need my work to close…any minute now…guys?

In any case, here’s a little peek at what I ate today.

Breakfast was homemade sauerkraut and cauliflower potato soup with hemp seeds sprinkled on top. I forgot to take a pic of my coffee with coconut oil

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Lunch was zucchini noodles with mushrooms, onions, broccoli, and avocado.

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My snacks today were a banana and some cuties (most adorable orange ever). I probably ate 4 cuties.

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Dinner was cauliflower rice, avocado, peppers, onions, and chicken with mexican spices.

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