Real Food Bryn

Epipen-Wielding Real Food Eating

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Weekend Highlights: Rotisserie Chicken and a NEW IPAD!

I’m running a little behind getting my “Weekend Highlights” post up, but it is because I spent my time being a good girlfriend and helping to grade some tests (yay organic chemistry!)

I also normally have 3 highlights for my weekend, but this time, one of my highlights is so big, I think I can get away with just 2. The first one is this amazing dinner that my girlfriend put together from a Costco rotisserie chicken.


And the second highlight…I GOT A NEW IPAD! And I am ridiculously excited about it. I got my first ipad as a graduation present when I finished my PhD, and it was not terribly old, but Apple is no longer supporting software updates for it so my apps were crashing constantly 😦 However, my new one is awesome! I got a keyboard! It’s so shiny and pretty! 🙂
