Real Food Bryn

Epipen-Wielding Real Food Eating

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And then it was November

I’m working really hard to put on the brakes!

It finally got cold here–21 degrees when I got up this morning 😦 I think one of my ultimate life goals is going to be moving somewhere warmer–but not too warm 🙂

As evidenced by the fact that I have once again not blogged for a month, things have been kind of crazy. However, it is slowly getting better. I’m looking forward to the time I am going to spend with my family over the holidays. I also have two really fun trips planned with my girlfriend, both to see bands that we love. We also have some plans to rearrange the apartment which I think will be a nice reset for creativity in the things we are both doing.

A big change, and something I am super excited about is that I went back to school. It was a bit of a scary change (I have spent far too much time in school already and I currently work at one), but I already feel invigorated and ready to charge forward with all of the ideas I have. I am enrolled in the Health Coach Training Program at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I am only 3 weeks into classes and it has already made a big difference in my life. In about 6 months I will be able to start working with clients, helping them transform their lives.  So, if you or anyone you know is interested in a Health Coach, let me know!

One of my class assignments this week is to have a positive attitude. Wish me luck, especially today. I am on my way to the dentist, eek!

One photo for today. Here a picture of my breakfast buddy who likes to hang out while I have coffee.

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