Real Food Bryn

Epipen-Wielding Real Food Eating

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Weekend Highlights: Soccer, Rubber Bracelets, and Books!

I had a great time this weekend. On Friday night I drove up to my parents house so that I could go to my nephews first soccer game on Saturday morning.



Here’s a really tiny picture of him playing goalie. It was one of those fun kids soccer games where everyone gets to play a different position in each quarter and there was at least one person yelling, “NO! Go the OTHER WAY!”

My sister had a fun present for me in the form of this super cute allergy bracelet.



The third highlight was books, which I don’t have a picture of. I got my nephew the first Harry Potter book, and I got a copy of Practical Paleo for my mom. Since I don’t have a picture of the books, you should instead enjoy this picture of a baby pig on a leash.
