Real Food Bryn

Epipen-Wielding Real Food Eating

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Weekend Highlights: Fizzy Water, Travel Potatoes, and Vine Obsessions

Another weekend that flew by!  In the whirlwind, I managed to grab some photos and videos!

Fizzy Water: I am totally obsessed with fizzy water right now. I think it is partly because of allergy season (or at least I can pretend that it is…)

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Travel Potatoes: We had a mini road trip this weekend, which in food allergy land still means packing a ton of food. One of our favorite things for car trips are cold potatoes that we steamed and salted before leaving.

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Vine Obsessions: I recently discovered the joys of being an iPhone owner, and I am now obsessed with the app Vine. It let’s you shoot and share 6-second videos–like Twitter for YouTube. I can’t get it to embed, so check the link for my fun video.