Real Food Bryn

Epipen-Wielding Real Food Eating

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Where have I been—Vacation Edition!

It has been a few crazy weeks (including some super lazy time that did not lend itself to computering). I am definitely behind on writing What I Ate Wednesday posts and on posting recipes, but I’m back :)! I used Memorial Day weekend as one of those really rare “do nothing” weekends. My girlfriend visits her family once or twice a year, and when she goes out of town, I turn into a total hermit. Over Memorial Day weekend I read an entire book from the Game of Thrones series…which is about 1000 pages! I literally read for 16 hours one day. It was the most amazing thing ever. I’ve made it to the 5th book in the series, and I’m not really sure what I will do with myself once I finish…maybe clean my apartment? (hahaha)

After a relaxing Memorial Day, I had three crazy days of work and then my real vacation, which also involved a lot of sitting and reading….this is probably why my girlfriend and I get along so well. We took a little road trip to Atlanta, so today’s post is a little photo collection of our trip 🙂

Before we even hit Georgia, the cast iron factory outlet was our first stop. You can buyed “damaged” (read: barely scratched) products for a discount, so we added a dutch oven and a new 12-inch skillet to our cast iron collection.

Cast iron factory outlet??? Heck yeah!

Cast iron factory outlet??? Heck yeah!

Our main reason for going to Atlanta was for the Fall Out Boy concert, and we even got an autograph after.

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squee! Pete Wentz!

I was also really excited about visiting the aquarium. I think I could sit and stare at fish all day. One of my favorite animals to see were these asian otters. They are like tiny cat versions of regular otters!

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These jellyfish were also pretty cool. They phosphoresce the color of the light that is shining.

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And, what is a vacation without food? Well, I would usually say that not eating out on vacation is pretty typical for us. However, Atlanta has Ted’s Montana Grill. This restaurant is brilliant with handling food allergies, and any restaurant that serves bison steak is on my list of places to eat. I actually ate the same thing all three times we went there (wedge salad, bison steak, asparagus, and baked potato), but it was so delicious and the wait staff even made sure to only offer desserts that we could both eat.

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holy crazy yum, batman!

I ended my vacation week by making another short drive to see my niece’s dance recital. She was super adorable, but this pic is the one that really sums up her personality.

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And now, back to work! Having an entire week off was definitely necessary for a little battery recharge. I hope everyone is having a good start to summer. Any fun vacation plans out there?